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I'm a 4th year student at NLS. I'm really interested in policy work. CAM is one of the few law firms to have a separate policy team. Wanted to know about that practice area, team at CAM, culture, working hours etc. Also, in general what does policy work in law firms imply? Is it only advising organisations like sebi or is it similar to work which Vidhi, CPR etc does?
CAM's policy team is good and it is getting better work with time, but SAM's team is far ahead and has the best mandates when it comes to law firms.
What tf are you saying. Firstly, law firms don't do public policy, it doesn't suit their business model. In India it's mostly a lie when they tell you law firms are doing public policy. Secondly, what on earth makes you say SAM'S team has best mandates on policy ? Do you even know what policy is ? Simply calling a team public policy team doesn't mean they're doing policy work.
A few law firms do public policy work, but if you want to make a career in policy then go to firms that have specialist and dedicated practices. Both SAM and CAM do. Hamurabi & Solomon does. Ikigai Law focusses on tech policy. Dua Consulting is an affiliate of Dua Associates, and does tech as well as other areas. And then there are specialist policy advocacy firms and think tanks such as Koan, The Dialogue, IFF, Vidhi, etc. You can expect to work on submissions to government consultations, government outreach and intelligence for clients, etc. You could be working for private clients as well as governments, depending on the organisation you are at.