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How is Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance at NLUD? Has anyone interned here? How was the experience?
Avoid. If you want to opt for any NLUD Centre, then go for CCG. Even CIIPC used to be good, but it has declined after Arul's departure.
Arul is still the co-director at CIIPC and runs the centre. It's still good.
He's a full time NLS faculty and handles work there. He's even taken the Copyright X course to NLS from NLUD. Stop trying to piggyback on his reputation.
He's on lien at NLS. That means he has to come back if NLUD refuses to extend the lien or he'll lose his permanent faculty position. And I reckon he'll come back. Even if he doesn't, NLS is a good place and let's be serious, NLUD helped make him, not the other way around. The institution will still go on getting better provided the leadership stays proactive.
Lien doesn't mean that he's doing NLUD work still. So long as he's on lien, NLUD people shouldn't make false claims about him still running their centres. Have some shame. NLUD helped make him? He was already making his name long before coming to NLUD. What is NLUD that it will make him earn his name? He's known for his publications, scholarship and opinions, and NLUD has benefited from his presence, just like it's hurting from his absence. None of the people who have left NLUD like Arul, Mrinal, Aparna or Chinmayi have been replaced with equals yet.
My god! You are the one who completely exposed your ignorance with that comment. This is not like a sports club lien. NLS has given Arul a contractual position, with full salary benefits, but until it becomes permanent, he would be foolish to resign from his permanent position at NLUD completely. However, NLUD does not pay his salary or perks during this lien period. That's how academic liens work in this country. Before shooting your mouth off about an issue, why don't you educate yourself first for a change?
Yes, but he is not attached to the IP law centre here. He is currently teaching us IP. A few of us wanted to intern under him and he told us to apply to the IP law centre in NLUD as he is attached to that centre.
How's that even possible? Someone is working full-time at one university and heading a centre at another university? Looks like these people despite teaching law do not abide by the laws themselves!
@Moderator: This is a point of fact and LI has covered all those matters too. Are you saying that facts are trollish now? This is not meant to be a reflection on the universities or their students, just the current incumbents.
P39A, CCG and CIIPC are great. CLLRA is good with Dr Sophy. CRS might be okay too with Dr Dakshina. Avoid the rest.
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