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How do top lawyers (designated/non designated) get time to read new case laws ?

Suppose a good lawyers who has never done a consumer matter gets a consumer matter now. How will he go about it. Will he read the bare act first ? Or Join someone working in consumer law in the case ?

It is difficult to read after we leave law school, is reading on our desired area in law school the only solution ? If that is true then How do we expand our practise area?
I mean, they move eyes on a page and let their brain consume information. its not that difficult to read a case. Unless its a very complicated supreme court judgment that would take a couple of days to work out- most cases and laws are pretty straight forward if you studied in law school. How do you expect to be a lawyer and not have to read? What do you think the profession is?
What are you, 12 year old ?

I put up a hypothetical scenario and you did not even answer that and acting like a smart alec here in comments. Shoo.
im older than you. Its a stupid hypothetical. Why would any competent lawyer not know what consumer act is? its a first year law subject! Why would he give his case away to someone else? if youre that incompetent you dont belong in the courts. its not some great difficult thing learning consumer law. Most lawyers can refresh themselves in a matter of hours. only very few legal questions can be a little tricky and maybe lawyers would confer with a colleague- but if youre doing that for consumer protection- you wont have many colleagues willing to help you tbh. people have their own work to do.

Reading is the job with law. theres little else to it. Court craft and jugaad and all that cannot make up for reading things. wanting to be a lawyer and whining that reading is difficult is like wanting to be a surgeon and hating touching people or holding a scalpel. thats the whole damn job. this isnt business school. why go to law school and steal a seat away from someone who could actually handle reading a case if youre that averse to it?
have you litigated successfully? you can become the kind of lawyer who only takes family matters and that too only divorce and make a living- but thats not making a mark on your profession by any account. All the super successful litigators from every era- datar,dhawan, nariman, salve, jethmalani when he was still kicking about, to young guns like gshanks and guruswamy - all read extensively. if you set out to become like the latter- even if you fail you might make something of yourself. If you set out to just get continuances and stealing your clients money while providing very little service- sooner or later that gravy train is gonna run out and youll have nothing to show for yourself.
what nonsense. Im not a corporate lawyer. I litigate. I manage to read just fine. Its not as much as I did in law school- but nearly all of my job im reading something, case law, statute, commentary, something. Every successful lawyer I know reads a lot. It doesnt take hours and hours to read a 20 page case.
Oh so you did not know what I mean by reading. I am at fault.

I mean, whole bare act of laws, not just bits and pieces. Now think company law, mining law and rules, electricty act and rules, arbitration , land acquisition , commentaries (Ramaiya on company law ) , Sarkar on evidence , Basu on Crpc , Taxmann on Income Tax Act , Insurance Law , Banking Law , Insurance Act, Interest Act , relevant circular , relevant notifications and THEN case laws on point.

Amity se llb kiya hai ya BHU se bro ? Oh sorry you could be a Llyods law grad !
I went to law school. You work through a lot of those commentaries and statutes in law school. The challenge when you're working is more keeping current, not re learning the law because you were not learning it in law school.
You dont. You absolutely dont read any statute in depth in Law school and you really dont get time as you are interning !
Again, tell me have you read Mulla or Sarkar on CPC cover to cover ?
Yes! In law school! We worked through those books in our course work ! What do you read in law school ? Dukki?

Not just those our consti law prof insisted we read through seervai! And fam law you needed to read Maine as well! Our jurisprudence / ios professor made us read original texts in Hart and dworkin and raz and fuller. It was just the done thing.

You don’t have to read it all in one sitting - you work through the material module by module week by week.

The fact that you think this is some lie or unbelievable makes me really worry for you young kids - what are they teaching you and what are you reading in law school?
Why would I dox myself to

Someone who is probably a troll? Just ask seniors who have graduated. If you went to nls or nalsar - none of this would be a surprise.
I think they get their juniors/interns to make notes/summaries, read those and then read the case so they know what to look out for