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BLJ: I discovered this journal on LinkedIn and initially believed it was a genuine platform aiding individuals in securing internship opportunities based on merit, especially from marginalized communities. However, my perception changed when I realized that the journal is not facilitating internships based on merit but instead is charging exorbitant fees, such as 12-14k for Internship with T1 law firms. This revelation is disheartening, especially for someone like me who hails from a marginalized community expecting genuine support from a journal dedicated to social work. It is crucial that we address this issue and take necessary action to ensure fairness and transparency in such initiatives. I would request LI people to get this noticed to HR or management personnel. Thank you.
nobody cares. The owner is making a lionshare of exploiting the desperation of the people in this indutry and they are happy to shell out this amount with zero us-- 12-15k isn't big deal for sls,jindal and amity students. SO ya, your loss u can't pay up the booty.
I think this is false in 2022 I secured a good internship using Burnished Law Journal, did not have to pay a penny
Honey, don't you ask him again for an internship. I am sure he will state the rates before even bothering himself with your qualifications or what not
No it's not false, I have WhatsApp chat with him where he was offering internship at good tier 1 with an exorbitant charge of 10k.
Please share that screenshot, I actually took interns on his reference wasn't aware about this
Hii, I have the Screenshots but I don't think there's a way to anonymously share them.
One of my friend got it free too and cherry on top of that, his internship converted into a PPO.
The firms are probably taking a cut from the fee, Ik it sounds really cheap but is there really ever a low that Indian firms can't stoop to? Even if the firms themselves aren't, the HR and management personnel are definitely taking a cut, nothing will happen by pointing this out to them.
But someone needs to whistle blow against this, morally ethically what he is doing is totally wrong.
This needs to be brought to the attention of the Bar Council before anyone else. The admins of that blog are practising lawyers guilty of professional misconduct.