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So during the lockdown wfh phase. I was working with the M&A team of a T1. My bosses were toxic af. My immediate boss a PA, sent an email marking the world on two occassions, once saying my phone isn't available. I'd gone to the washroom for 5 minutes and there is no network there and the phone was in my pocket. Second time also she did the same thing, and accused me of not picking up the call deliberately, while I took a dump and phone was outside..

Anyway, we used to have these long negotiation calls that started in the morning and went all the way upto 1-3 am. This went on for 3-4 weeks. I had to take notes and make changes and couldn't afford to not respond on calls / or miss anything. I was given a lot of shit for it. Despite there being other juniors. I started to pee in cold drink bottles while I was on calls.

Once I was explaining changes to a client while simultaneously peeing the bottle.

Needless to say I soon changed jobs in about 6 months because the working environment was too toxic.
Smart decision! My only question: did your d*** fit in the opening of the bottle? Because I once tried, it didnt get in.
Talking like college students, real women know small pp is always more pleasurable and lasting
Jai ho LegallyIndia. Teri Mahima aprampaar, Naa Jaane tere kitne avtaar
How are y'all working in adult roles man... It's common sense that you don't stick your dingus into the bottle, you just aim the stream!
You don't need to stick it in. With a little dexterity of the hands, you just need to hold the tip to the mouth.. of the bottle and let it go. Very pleasurable feeling tbh.
Lol why did you write that like it's so scandalous? I'm lazy and pee in bottles all the time when I don't feel like getting up, or if it's too cold. Just keep the bottle hidden in a corner beside my bed.
Because when I think back about it, I was reminded of the Amazon warehouse workers peeing in bottles. My condition was so bad.
Should have stayed at that job and left after peeing in her bottle also.

Haven't laughed this hard for ages lmao
Haha wtf. We believe you bro. I’ve done that too for really long negotiations calls
Okay if we are going to make confessions. I once downloaded porn from the firm desktop only to know the IT guy got a copy of that somehow. No-one said anything..