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Keep in mind β€œStudent Friendly” here means you’re allowed to drink booze and smoke pot on campus and bully faculty about viva marks
the tarot card quote

my personal ranking choice

1. NLU Rajgir

2. NLU Kashipore

3. NLU Hisar

4. NLU Bangalore

5. NLU Kohima
Nujs is far better than nalsar. It is in the middle of the city and has better faculty. The VC is student friendly
Apply for NALSAR in the vacanies. Last year two people with ranks in the 180-185 range got accepted in the vacany round, you might have a slim chance. You'll definitely get into NLUJ and GNLU so definitely apply there if you dislike NUJS.
Go for vacancy round or try finding a nlu which suits you the best to try for it in the vacancies
As someone who is yet to start their legal education, how are you in a position to decide how 'prestigious' a university is exactly?
A 32-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
Take NLUJ in the vacancy, at least woh better Rahega. You should’ve been careful while filling up the preferences