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So did the cup or the coffee hit you? There HAS to be more to this story. Out with all the facts.
A 179-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
Uss SA ko ukaat dikhaoo zada uchalgye by using his/her power on powerless person file complaint and post it also on LinkedIn
Aap jis generation mae ho aagar abhi aap koi cofee faike gaa toh you would have suffered tgrud degree burn and fracture
No way to ascertain the truth unless OP files a complaint or something. Marked as contested.
Should have got him a new cup of coffee. It's a test boy. Take it as it is. It's a test. A test. Faaaaaaaaaaaaack
This generation is so weak, like why can't you endure physical assault and possible first degree burns all over your face /s
is this t1 in blr? if yes, this is seems to be something on the regular
OMG flyeagle,what are you picking up your opponent complaints against the company you represent in employment matters and posting it on LI.Are you looking for legal remedies list?tch tch
This generation is so weak. So what he threw coffee? Shut up and do your work
This is unacceptable behaviour and you have every right to defend your dignity. Name and shame them/him/ her. The LI community will unconditionally support you. We can also accompany you - should you also wish to escalate this at the Bar Council of India.
Complain to HR in writing with a copy to the MP and SA.

Give it off to the SA separately.

But don't quit.
Today my SA threw screamed and threw hot coffee on my face, with the cup itself. Luckily the cup got threwn on the side. A1 at a T1. I am Dead scared. Pls Advise.