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Since it's the admin and faculty whom you keep boasting of, clearly their decisions count. Because grad outcome-wise, NLUD is no different than the other top NLUs, worse in fact in some areas including placement.
Ends how? Those same students be it from NALSAR and NUJS are still performing equally well or better than you. So your own superiority complex amounts to nothing.
Nothing wrong except less diversity, lower CLAT ranks, more regional favouritism. Delhi on the other hand is literally the only city in India where every Indian would feel welcome.
Bruh not true lmao I got <50 AIR last year but also got rejected from Ashoka which I had only applied to as a backup but still got rejected
The students have no insecurities about how good we are. If admin wastes time on that stuff, that’s their writ. If anything, the constant defensive comments by Nalsar kids about how they’re β€œOG” shows they’re as insecure about NLUD as NUJS was. And we all know how that ends.
If NAAC and NIRF ratings are that useless, then why does NLUD desperately try to improve both every year, including submission of questionable data?
Idk how these ppl post fabcricated placement figures and have the audacity to say nlud is better
Ashoka's application process is actually quite rigorous, their acceptance rate is around 10%. But NLUD over Ashoka any day
I'm not OP lol I'm an 11th grader planning on writing clat and ailet next year
Are you interested in talking a year drop as you missed the applications for the universities in the UK for next year
If you have a question about this, then you don’t deserve to study at NLUD. Literally anyone at NLUD could’ve walked into Ashoka.
Have u completed the application process for Universities in the UK
In India, NALSAR is a no brainer. The fact you are from Hyderabad only makes it easier. It is Tier 1 with best placements. I think home plus placements would be anyone's single biggest criteria. So this one is actually very easy.
NLUD or Ashoka? Which one would you suggest? One is a law school and the other is a liberal arts college so there’s no way to compare, but still
Exactly, even though there have been few setbacks, NALSAR has good faculty in terms of Tax Law - Neha Pathakji, Constitutional law - Siddharth Chauhan, Admin Law - Sourabh Bharati, Keshav Rao - Evidence & Criminal law, now, KVS Sarma - Consumer law and many others.
A 105-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
Lol it’s the opposite. In fact the Singaporean government encourages you to work for them under a 3 year bond. What are you on?
That’s okay I think. People are usually around 22-23 when they finish law school in India. Add three years to that and one would still only be 26 or 27 at most. That’s how old the avg US law grad is anyway.
So what? In US a lot of folks start their career in that age only. This isn’t medicine so what? And ask people around you. There were in the same boat, just couldn’t crack the lsat stuff and also getting a JD is anyway more prestigious. Earning becomes infinite after that
Irum Huq is one of the very few who was able to crack or rather ace the LSATs. A lot of people try but they end up in the same hellhole of LLMs as the Ivies/T-10 are way outside their capacity. Extra years don’t matter
Sounds great till you realise you will be studying for 8 years minimum. This is not medicine.
Note to the OP – I have had chats with JGLS and Ashok people for their LLB + JD course. Don't. The cost of the course alone is close to Rs. 1 crore.
Yep, if you have money to spare, the West is more than happy to take you. But not keep you for the long-term, unless you have more money to spare.
Good advice. Also, he/she can just appear for the NUS course and the SATs. No need for sitting in the LNAT anymore I feel.
It's a myth that NLUD has better faculty than NALSAR at present. Better location, yes. No domicile, that's also true.
OP is just a kid, I don’t think their comment is β€œgrammatically cancerous”. Anyone with an English medium education can get a decent IELTS score with sufficient practice, no need to be so harsh.
Truth to be told:- Anyone can go to UK Unis. Take NLU-D/Ashoka and pursue a JD/MBA later on
The fact that you are even commenting this speaks volumes of how ignorant you are. NUS requires an excellent IELTS 7/SAT evidence based writing score. Your comment is grammatically cancerous!
Thanks for the reply! NALSAR's rural location is not much of a problem to me as I am a Hyderabad native. And yes, most of the people I've spoken to suggest NLUD over NALSAR. Can you elaborate on how NALSAR has stagnated in recent times?
OP here, forgot to mention that I am also considering applying to the 4 year LLB programme at NUS. I know the programme is extremely competitive but I think it's worth a try. If I get in, would it be worth choosing this over NALSAR/NLUD?
A 4-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
Note from mod: Please have civilised discussion and don't turn this thread into another d**k measuring contest between NALSAR and NLUD.