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Not to mention that with several new mods having started work, in the absence of specific guidelines, their own standards will reflect on their work and those are likely to differ. Moreover, I doubt that the mods have all made their identity known to Kian either.
A 17-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
Not Kian, but R. … AFAIK Kian is tolerant, it is R who is a left-wing bigot censoring comments against the left. R also censors comments against NLSIU and Jindal. He has some sort of connection with these two institutions.
A 1-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
The hypocrisy from Kian is staggering. All sorts of abuse against the BJP and conservatives is allowed, but anything remotely critical of the liberal elite is censored. Kian even allowed a post from deranged liberals blaming the BJP for the World Cup loss.
That doesn't work. Borderline trollish comments can get tagged and unpublished. Ones that actively detail a discussion, are hateful, abusive, illegal or have been reported as potentially defamatory, should not be readable anymore at all. What's there to disagree on?
This is a platform they run, they cannot be liable for slander on here. Of course intermediary liability and whatnot, but regardless, their stance is a fair one to take
LI comment moderation seems to have heavily slowed down. I think Kian fired some of the mods.
Ha, ha.....LI is a platform to eulogize certain groups, law schools, and firms. Anything else is suppressed or ridiculed. through long juvenile discussions.
Just mark it as trollish or something rather than blocking the comment naa. Let readers get context (meaning reasons for it to be probably not true) as well as get to see the post (just like twitter)
You are nobody to regulate free speech, as long as it does not incite violence
Abh Mai likh du that we need a new platform which doesn't prohibit these things toh phir comment post ni hoga