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What?? HNLU? I thought this was in GNLU. Can you share any link or screenshot that shows what this is about?
hnlu dsw has warned of severe consequences if we show support for the victim by following her on Instagram or by liking any content on social media
What's DSW? Has that warning an oral one or written? If the latter, please share. I will be interested in taking legal action against the concerned people then.
You go, girl! It takes a lot of courage to take such a step. In solidarity. Don't listen to the naysayers, nor to those activists who may want to use you. You do you.
Please read the law. She's not obligated to reveal such information to anyone other than the law enforcement authorities.
We are taking active measures to prevent any sort of trolling concerning this particular thread. Don’t worry πŸ‘
Given your recent standard of moderation and faux pas, worrying would be very reasonable a reaction.
The university writes to some of its chosen alumni, asking for their help should the victim go to court. The victim's name is also disclosed in the email.
What help do they want? Are they trying to help her (probably not, given disclosure of her name) or is she going to court against them?
She is going to Court against them. She herself has put about going to Court in her instapage victimnlu4. How low they can stoop to save themselves geez
also, dsw has been calling over WhatsApp some of the former students and campaigning against the victim
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