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A 4-word comment posted 8 months ago was not published.
Hi, I wanted some help on Saraf's policies on PPOs. I am interviewed for a paralegal post now, but haven't heard back since. In which year does Saraf give PPOs- 3rd, 4rth, 5th.
Please refrain from such posts it triggers me.. I'm from a T1 NLU and have accepted Saraf's offer. I had opportunity from.Kco and tri.. thought won't be right to do it and didn't do it.. it triggers me because I still have some months of my college left..should I do it

What do you mean by people take inspiration from here?


Stop spitting nonsense
Please don't make such statements, it's utterly trollish. It's fine to be anonymous and play for a while, but actual people derive inspiration from posts here, like they did from Harvey spector when coming to corp law.
Also the people act super entitled inspite of this, when firms like SAM and AZB, despite their problems are atleast humble and willing to cooperate, atleast when important.
Why is this trollish, it's a logical conclusion from the previous facts, which can be ascertained by simple google searches.
Nothing wrong in it but if you will get screwed of the form which has offered you the PPO gets to know about your stunts
CAM HR, why not spend more time on vetting applications than PR work here
Made this statement because I have been observing several good firms getting trolled over LI

It won't create any difference though
Can I still try for other firms after receiving a PPO from one firm? If I accept it from the first firm