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I(male) would sleep with a partner if i know i am getting the job or promotion.

There's nothing wrong with that, we should normalize hustle culture by hook or by crook, we hustle differently though.
More power to you. There's something wrong with the partner basing jobs or promotion on who they are banging though.
We all sell ourselves dearie, its just different things we sell.

Some sell time, some sell body and some skills.
in my internship application I wrote that im in the 4rth yr when im in the 3rd.
this reminds me of a competition law partner at a highest paying firm, who recorded a meeting and then blamed it on the associate
Here's a secret that's not-so-secret in certain circles: one of India's topmost counsels is a kleptomaniac and was stopped from leaving a top five star hotel by security for that reason.
Nujs is actually an overrated college - hear you the most honest confession. NLIU gives better placements
One of the law firm founders made out with a student while on campus for recruitment
A certain top competition partner gifted a Rolex watch to a GC who got fired for FCPA violation.
Associate at t1 firm hooked up with an intern for placement and then afterword ditched her. That firm is now blacklisted by an nlu
I once ruined a filing document by spilling coffee on it and had to reprint and forge the clients signature before the partner found out.
Sexual harassment allegation against NKC by Vaneeta pattnaik. Hot topic in NUJS
I sent "your Instagram doesnt have thirsty pics, send me more" to my partner. It was taken lightly though
When I read the risk factors in the RHP and the outstanding litigation chapter I was aroused by the large quantum of funding despite these issues.
A 25-word comment posted 8 months ago was not published.
Wait what? Yikes. How is this still going on? Has the admin been made aware of it?
A 106-word comment posted 4 months ago was not published.
A 177-word comment posted 4 months ago was not published.