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J Sai Deepak has been given a lot of space in both the mainstream and digital media, plus invited to speak at reputed law NLUs like NALSAR and NUJS. This is the first time I am seeing a protest asking him to be uninvited. The implications could be interesting. It could snowball into a wider protest where he is cancelled across NLUs, or it could also result in a backlash if right-wing students demand that certain voices within the left also be cancelled.

For background, the AILAJ is affiliated with the CPIM-ML (not to be confused with the CPI-M) and was recently in the news for opposing the entry of foreign law firms in India. The main person behind the AILAJ is their Secretary-General Clifton D'Rozario, a former associate of Lawrence Liang at the Alternative Law Forum and an activist opposed to the Narmada dam.