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It’s their fault you didn’t get a job ? Does believing that make things easier?

Armchair Foucault is nonsense. They aren’t behaving like your parents - they’re behaving like adults in workplace. You are behaving like a child though. If they were behaving like your parents they would be incentivised to give you a job.

I don’t understand why everyone on this website has an intolerance toward work. Capitalists and communists both understand that work helps contribute to society and should be rewarded. If we cannot expect able bodied young 20 something’s to work hard and meet expectations- think about what that will mean for the country. Sad days.
Um…maybe Gen Z entitlement and attitude are the real problem?
It's nothing about Gen Y or Gen X. This is how all businesses work. Get as much output out of a person as possible.

The problem is that there are people who are ready to work for 12-14hours a day for the money. So, firms can't really do much here.

For example: if CAM tries to hire more in order to better the work life balance, they will have to reduce the salaries at associate level. Reducing the salaries will lead to these workaholics to move away from CAM and join some other firm with better pay. This way, CAM will lose out on talent!
Warning: Don’t read this if you don’t appreciate Foucault.

We tend to think of people in the boomer age group, like Cyril Shroff or Jyoti Sagar, or Gen X age group, like Ashwath Rau or Akshay Jaitly, as the driving force behind law firms. That’s true, but remember also that Gen Y law grads are now pretty much all partners. Crucially, they usually oversee recruitments, rather than boomers and Gen X partners. Gen Y partners are comparatively younger and more liberal. But age wise they are still in the uncle-aunty age group and most are now parents of young children. They automatically carry some of the inflexibility, conservatism and authoritarianism that comes with age and disciplining kid. What Foucault says in Discipline and Punishment, about how authoritarianism in its various facets can be traced to the parent-child relationship, rings true.

What this means is that the recruitment process is still plagued by some deep-seated prejudices and dogmas, chief among which is that new Gen Z associates must shut up and work 12 hours a day. The thinking is that I worked 12 hours a day at your age and so should you. Wokeness has no place in my firm. Thus, whereas 2 associates should be doing X amount of work for 6 hours a day each, only 1 associate is hired to do 2X work for 12 hours a day. This automatically halves the recruitment numbers and leaves Gen Z short of jobs. At the workplace, Gen Y is exercising a type of bio power (re Foucault) where Gen Z is denied the agency and autonomy for rest and leisure.

What do you guys think?