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Am I the only one who thinks this movie was absolute bullshit? If you really want to see a powerful feminist film, see Women Talking, which was nominated for the Best Picture Oscar this year. Excellent.

Regarding Barbie it's so much the wokeism. I just found the plot and dialogues really stupid, unfunny and meant for dumb Gen Z kids . I was even disappointed with the Dua Lipa song. Sounds like a rejected track that didn't make it to Future Nostalgia (which is a great album).
A 5-word comment posted 9 months ago was not published.
I think the premise of the movie is pretty good: deconstructing Barbie as plastic and unreal. I learnt later that there was actually a Skipper doll where you can make the boobs grow by turning the arm!! I also think the attack on Bro culture is justified. Our society values, brainless, brawny men like Ken (Salman Khan would be a great pick for a Bollywood version). However, I think the point was repeated and drilled down till it became annoying. I found the repeated references to patriarchy being pretty tiresome. I mean, we are not stupid and we all understand your point! The trans Barbie character was also avoidable because it is historically wrong: there was never such a toy.