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The closest option available in nlu is to avail extra credits which are more often than not still not enough for graduation of the grades are not exceptional.

And there is the system of grade freezing in nls after the end of the 3rd year but that’s still not totally early graduation per se

Can nlus replicate any other rule like the same as state above?
What kind of degree do you think can be given in an early exit? Some sort of half lawyer degree where you can practice on some laws but not others? That is not how the legal profession works.
Oh you sweet innocent child - you would probably be one of those people who thought that an integrated degree in law is never possible.
Oh here’s a system. You don’t have to go to an nlu. What 5 years, you don’t have to study at all. Just get a farzi degree. You already know everything anyway.
STEM is the real education. Anybody can read humanities and social science.