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CAM Bangalore it took 2 months to schedule interview and now 1 month still awaiting result.
Hope your trying for other opportunity as CAM is known to retract offers recently
The number of times people come to LI posting queries to inquired, because CAM HR won't respond is way too many.Apparently CAM HR comes onto LI to defend CAM in saying no offers to JGLS retracted but emails to the HR official email are not bothered about .CAM is one terribly pathetic firm just milking the fathers Amarchand brand.
Somebody tell CAM HR to do at least a namesake pretence of politeness.I mean the open way of unresponsive dimissal of queries by fresher is offensive and scarring.Why does any sane kid ever apply to CAM?
I'm one of the kids who is stuck... I 100% chose this path myself and regret it. Absolutely no response... Will let you know soon once a week for 2 months is not a response. I get the hint, but for gods sake just say no if its a no, its not that difficult. That is the entire job of these hr or "talent acquisition" people. I refuse to believe that these people are so busy that sending a 20 word template email does not fit within their schedule. If its stuck with somebody more powerful just give a vague hint, we'll know its at least moving forward.

The only possible explanation I have been able to come up with is that these people are not respected enough in the firm. They actually do not have hiring powers or any powers for that matter. They are just the useless intermediaries satisfying their ego by snubbing interns/freshers.

Since cam hr keeps lurking here and writes comments better than their emails, would love a response.
There is no set time.Its as per the whims and fancy of the partner,the HR and the MP
Its going to take 2-3 months more.They like to prolong peoples wait and feel important.