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What are ways through which I can get better at reading judgments and also legal writing?

I've been doing the usual of trying to read one case a day cover to cover BUT BOY DO I STRUGGLE.

Law school was 2 years in covid and I feel like I've been thrown into the deep end.

I start 4th year next year and it hit me last year that the world is not ending so I might as well start doing something.
Oh my god, I relate to you so much. 100% wasted the first two years of law school, 3rd year went by just figuring things out by myself(my hesitant and shy ass never tried to reach anyone for help)...and now that I am gonna start 4th year next month, it hits me that I have only 2 years left and too many things to do. The stress is real. If I don't work my ass off now, I'm doomed. :')
There's no other way but to practice - that is to say, keep on doing it. Read case laws regularly and get into the habit of it. Soon you'll be used to it, and your speed will improve.
World actually is ending. AGI-wiping-humanity is closer than you think
Read shorter judgements and write short posts/articles. You'll know if it's for you or not. Writing is not everyone's flair.

Reading though, start with topics you enjoy and short ones.