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Is there anyone else here of the opinion that tools for social change such as movies and serials in India have failed to lift up the vast population from the parochial mentality with regards to issues such as women empowerment, religion conflicts, caste conflicts, and unacceptability of differences in sexual preferences? These are just few issues identified, there are certainly more.

The thing I am asking here is, still we have infamously referred 'saas-bahu' serials depicting a struggling female character who is facing difficulties in making her in-law family agree to her going out and doing a job. Or for that matter, a person referring to caste/class slur and belittling someone. I know all these issues are real and persist in India despite our long history of obliterating them, but the way these serials show these incidences occuring so frequently and so flippantly the perpetrators dismissing the occurrence, is actually contributing in normalising such things rather than creating awareness about them.

I was at friend's house when I saw his father watching a serial with his mother, and saying that the whole point of the women going out for the job and not looking after family at home is wrong in the first place!!