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Colleges like NLSIU and Nalsar are faring better than universities like NLU Jodhpur , NLU Delhi and RMNLU Lucknow. Whatโ€™s the reason?
Trollish comment to spark another debate, but we have NUALS, DSNLU and TNNLU down south which are all pretty terrible. And lol, nice attempt, but NALSAR is definitely not faring better than NLUD. And NLS only fares better if you're counting the massive batch size increase.
Anyone unironically stating that NLS is no better than NLUD should be marked at least with contested, and preferably trollish.
Lol, NALSAR faring better than NLUD? In what exactly except being older? They just put out a message on their website saying "we've reclaimed our third rank". If the college itself accepts the hierarchy, why can't the trolls? And you seem to have forgotten about certain other south Indian NLUs which can't compete even with RML - our dear DSNLU, NUALS and TNNLU.
You're definitely from RML. You thought putting a Tier 3 nlu along with the others would fool everyone
Bro if there is any area of education for which there are better colleges in the north than the south, it's law!

Like if u think about engineering, most of the good iits like iitm and nits like nit trichy, nit warangal, nit surathkal, nit calicut are in the south.

But in law most of the t1 nlus are in the north such as nlud, nujs, gnlu, nluj, etc.
Nujs is not IN THE NORTH. Itโ€™s from the eastern part of India. Donโ€™t put it under north bro
IIT Delhi, IIT Bom, IIT Kanpur, BITS Pilani, IIT Roorkee etc are all in the north and south only has IIT Madras.

Out of the top 10 NITs, maybe 3 are from south.
Bombay is in North India? Please revisit your geography. Or just look at a map.
Istg maharastra is in the south or central at max. North Indians just like to include it in the north. Maybe culturally they are similar to north indians but definitely not geographically!
NLUD and NUJS are in the north and have always been on par with both NLS and NALSAR. You can troll both these pleases as much as you want but nothing can change their accalodes. NLUD whose Kris always do well in civil services/judiciary examination and NUJS which always comes out with the best corporate placements.

If the south as NALSAR and NLS, north has NLUD and NUJS.
Ohh please. Ignore east and west, just partition India into north south and NUJS will fall on the northern side.
Nujs will pride itself being associated with the south. We Bengalis are more comfortable with South Indians over northerners
You can feel like associating all you like, but I donโ€™t think the south would ever consider Bengalis as one of them, with all due respect. For many of us here, NUJS is definitely north.
Kerala and West Bengal have a unique history of associated cultures be that of food habits , cultural ties and whatsoever. So you are absolutely right. We Bengalis donโ€™t deem north as culturally superior or inferior. But we just donโ€™t love their rough approach. And you have to admit that Bengalis and southerners have intellectually gifted the nation pretty well which often go unnoticed.
For many of โ€˜usโ€™ as in? A small group of northerners in nujs is not a pretty good smalls to base your metric upon. Culturally Bengalis have an outstanding relation with the south. Donโ€™t ruin that with your mentality
When u used the word โ€˜usโ€™ , I shouldโ€™ve known that you are playing the โ€˜north-southโ€™ card again. Bengal has its own identity and so as South Indians. No need to be discriminatory here
Definitely north? And that too on ur personal opinions? Nah sorry , we donโ€™t agree. Your logic is flawed.
[Mod note: Comment was not been published and marked as trollish, but the moderation was contested and requested for publication with the following note: "This comment was intended to be humorous and tongue in cheek and a sarcastic take on the stereotypes of North Indians by South Indians. You can mark it as such and post it." We have published it for the time being and marked it as 'contested']

This is fairly straightforward. It comes down to genetics and mindset. The average South Indian is diligent, hardworking, cultured and exposed to the anima of his birth and civilisation from his youth. This results in a centered individual who is focused on the future, eschews ostentation, and, uses the lessons from his cultural heritage to propel himself forward. They are frequently publicity shy and prefer to work in the background. As long as they continue getting paid and getting ahead, they don't really care about plaudits and pulpits.

The average North Indian on the other hand is a bit of country bumpkin. Even post independence, civilisation was slow to reach the North Indian hinterlands and their entire ethos seems steeped in lack of self-preservation and a true baniya mentality. The North Indian slavishly imitates the West and what is trending and hence has lost himself in the miasma of the now-culture and thus, does not have the benefit of heritage to centre himself. For this reason, the average North Indian in college is a bit of a blockhead/village dunce type of fellow. Party/Shawri/Daru/Sutta/Chukka/Bandi are enough for him and that is what makes him happy.

Far from me to say what is right and wrong, since I personally disdain such childish notions of right/wrong and morality. Hope this perspective helps. Thanks.
Even South Indians have embraced western culture and so as every other parts of India. But they have done it gracefully. โ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎ
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