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What about KCO? How much time do they take to get back if at all they get back even if we get rejected?
they usually get back within 3-4 days or a week at max, for the Bangalore office atleast.

best of luck to you!
Got JSA confirmation within 2 days of the last leg of the interview process.
Does Trilegal get back if you are not selected in in

terview for internship?
I understand SAM and CAM take time but that is with the offer letter no? What about the call that you receive from the HR giving a verbal confirmation on your offer.. any idea about Khaitan and JSA?
Trilegal is quick, SAM and CAM take time.

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Hi Law peeps, when do you usually hear from Tier-1s after the interview? I understand it depends on the nature of the vacancy, but does the HR really get back to you even if you have not been selected? How long should we wait post interview to connect with the HR. Please mention timelines for SCAM, Trilegal, JSA, Kco, AZB etc