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Please engage bona fide with the substance of the comment or offer a rebuttal or debate, your 'thumbs down' is a low effort post that counts as trollish.
It's wonderful that she's confident and thinking but she is also wrong . The problem for Asians is not that rich Black people are taking their seats but that mediocre white people are. The Asians are constrained to a small percentage of seats because of the quota system although they would likely outperform the white students. Her proposal requires universities to ignore generational wealth and privilege which is already a problem. Trust fund babies and their parents have no income because they're that rich and these people benefit from income based scholarships. They pay nothing while second generation college-going children of professional parents who slogged their way up the class ladder are saddled with debts. Public schools are not a uniform category either. People buy homes in extremely expensive neighbourhoods to be able to access some high performing public schools. Unless she is talking about Nigerian billionaines who recently moved to the US, it appears that she doesn't understand that any rich American black person would either have had to have a white ancestor or a black one that earned their money post abolition. Both these are relatively rare since racism is alive and well in America. So what she wants to do is slam the doors on most black people because one or two don't need support. In the meantime, white people continue to ride on generational privilege and wealth.