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Well my friend if you are topper, you will have lot of good weather friends.
Toppers are easily more sought after by girls than mooters. You will often see the nerdiest guys with the hottest girls.
Not in HNLU. We are too busy with paychelics, so the dealer does better than the topper in relationships.
This is silly cause five years at law school - I saw 9 batches. 8/9 toppers were women. We don’t need to fawn after men folks when we can beat them at their own game.
They are the ones who take the university forward whole half of the batch remains obsessed with batch intro groups , lmao
Mostly hated by batchmates for not sharing notes (they except us to serve them everything on a platter while they party and make reels on aesthetic NLU life) and loved by juniors (but only before exams).

Its a shitty life but you get good support and looked favourably upon by faculties and admin. So yeah has its pros and cons.
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