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Don’t tell your parents repeatedly about taking drop. Trust me I have been there , they ofc won’t like it. Focus on your academics at Nujs and keep on preparing for clat(no one should know). If you have made into Nujs this year , you will definitely have a seat at NLS next year. There was a person I know who dropped Nujs for NLS but she didn’t even tell anyone about it. Some people who made it didn’t go cause they were happy at Nujs itself. Focus on ur academics at Nujs and you can prep for clat alongside.

POINT TO CONSIDER- NLS and NUJS don’t have major differences in placements. In fact the latter has given better placement turnouts for the past few years (no cap). The tag has a difference(although not substantial).
Was going through the comments and it's appalling how many people are advising the lad to take a drop or waste his first year aspiring for people are the worst, this positivity is so toxic.

If you land a T1 college, take it. Don't be naive and give into the whole rankings narrative. Yes NLS has a legacy, but the impact of that legacy on its current students is vague and doesn't make a substantial difference when it comes placements.

Don't take a gap year, join NUJS, study well and get over this obsession of will bring you no good.