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You guys miss the number 1 reason for this: politics. The BJP coming to power means a shake-up in the Delhi ecosystem and NLSIU losing influence.
Still their grads are better than you in every possible way though. Including the 5 girls who got Rhodes from there till now.
Tell me a conspiracy theory without saying it is a conspiracy theory.
And Karnataka domicile extends till a rank which is mostly 100 , Bengal domiciled ranks can even extend beyond 700-800 in clat exam . No one is better but the rank says it all
Omg stop bringing Nujs in every argument , it’s not even top 3
Still, I think the reputation in the market may suffer since people will consider NLS as just a Karnataka state university. This might damage perception which affects even current batches.
I think the NLSIU students at this stage might prefer a toad over the current VC.
This is height of privilege and arrogance.

My feeling is there was a conspiracy in the past to give rhodes only to nls Bangalore grads whereas better grads available in other law colleges.
It's like those fairy tales, where a witch places a curse. One day the NLSIU VC will kiss a toad which will turn into a beautiful princess and then the Rhodes success will resume.
The domicile quota was introduced in 2020 and that batch is yet to pass!
If you weren't from NLS you wouldn't have used that asinine law school shorthand. Nice try.
Which Law School are you from? Harvard, Stanford, Hyderabad or Bangalore?
I suppose they have realized that it was wrong on their part to award scholarships to only NLSIU students for 20 years or so when so many outstanding legal professionals have been coming from numerous other colleges as well.
I'm from Law School. This is one of the most inane posts I've seen here in a long time.

If Law School has not been getting the Rhodes for a while, there are better applicants out there. Full stop. Nobody is owed anything just because you went to a particular college.
If you flip this around: I am wondering whether there was a concerted plan by NLSIU to exclude other institutions in the 20 years before this, and it has finally become free from coercion.
Just wait for a bit . Some incoming batches of nlsiu are totally amazing. The glory will be restored in no time
Because they want to give others a chance. This will go on for 10 years and in 2027 NLSIU dominance will return.
Students not found good enough? Lol, that's the first and simplest explanation, but of course the delusion of Nagarbhavi residents won't allow them to question their own shortcomings.