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In India, any ranking involving quality will include JNU in the top 5.
Very good question, who pays him and civitas? Nobody knows, though likely some brexiteer billionaires and oil industry lobby types looking to save more taxes by making you think they care about you and the other peasants:
In India, such a ranking would have JNU, TISS, NLSIU, NALSAR and NUJS in the top 5. The bottom 5 would be the IITs or IIMs.
its a better hobby than your questionable and sub-par internet janitorial work. Atleast he gets paid for his hobby xD
This report is actually 'woke' like the author believes wokeness to be.
Wow, this guy needs to get a different hobby / maybe leave the house some time...

Why do these culture warriors get so triggered by what is apparent sensible documentation of reading materials or courses? Wouldn't you want to know that an archeology course might involve a boggy corpse before you sign up? Or if you're depressed, that Peter Pan might not be a fun book?

And isn't his entire report a trigger warning, that you shouldn't sign up to universities where you might get triggered by trigger warnings?