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Isn't indigo staff โ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎ enough to attract such conduct?
Why is the word "blue" redacted? Indigo puts its staff in blue uniform. Is the moderator so hyper that s/he will redact reference to all the colors?
Or, the rich like you can just travel in business class or high cost airlines only. Or ask Musk to build you a rocket.
And that's why rich people should not travel with us poors but in their own private jets, where they can pee wherever they like!
But as per Mr. Fantastik, only poor behave badly in this country! This is such a huge burn that he might as well have introduced himself to the Human Torch intimately!
Just now on India Today they were interviewing the urinatorโ€™s lawyer Ishanee Sharma. She is from NLUD ๐Ÿ˜„
A 20-word comment posted 1 year ago was not published.