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Absolutely agreed. Back in the days, IMDB ranks were like the golden standard for judging movies. Now, its worthless with "action" genre Bollywood movies and the superhero marvel/dc crap which is meant for kids, and adults with the attention span of a goldfish. I prefer Rotten Tomatoes as it only takes into account the critic's scores.
- Lots of excellent movies rated below 8 when they should be above 9

- Likewise, lots of crap movies rated above 8

- Marketing companies opening fake accounts to upvote their movies

- Stans opening fake accounts to upvote movies by their favourite actors/directors.

- Voting by Indians with bad cinematic taste. In the IMDB Top 250, a rubbish Bollywood movie like Dangal is rated ahead of masterpieces like Rashomon, Unforgiven, Chinatown, Raging Bull etc (LMAO). Similarly, 3 Idiots is rated ahead of Reservoir Dogs, To Kill a Mockingbird, Taxi Driver etc. Jai Bhim is voted ahead of 400 Blows

- Political polarisation: RW bigots, LW bigots and wokes blindly upvoting/downvoting movies based on political preference.