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An exercise which i ask all the competition law enthusiasts to undertake before zeroing in on competition law as a career:

Check the no. Of combination filings made every year.
Also, the no. Of investigation orders passed every year.

After that, decide for yourself how large the cake is.
There is always a dearth of good A0s in the competition law field. If you learn / read the law during college (on your own, of course, do not overly rely on the curriculum) and can demonstrate your knowledge and understanding during your internships, you should be able to get recruited. Unlike other corporate law fields, I have noticed that associates for comp law teams are required to know the basics themselves. It is not rocket science (any above average person can understand the law if they apply themselves to it), however, it is a bit different from the general legal commercial or corporate law knowledge required for other teams. So learn / read as much of the law as you can on your own. This will be appreciated during internships and make you stand out.