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Lol Mckinsey consultants are just glorified ppt makers , the only big difference between biglaw and consulting is that they have far better exit options than lawyers .
A 62-word comment posted 1 year ago was not published.
holy shit. I've been so upset after getting a reality check that breaking into corporate law is near impossible for me. But when you put it like that, it kind of makes me glad that it is near impossible for me
A 15-word comment posted 1 year ago was not published.
It is your ignorance speaking when you say that lawyers have "ao much knowledge and skills". That may be true only for the very best, but your average NLU corporate lawyer is just a cog in the wheel, and always will be. The system is such - there are no hard skills you learn in the law, no analytics, no numbers, no principles. Critical thinking maybe, but any average CAT aspirant would beat the top corp lawyers in core analysis. Understand that lawyers are helpers at best, yes you may be an advisor - but then why are consultants and lawyers not in the same payment or reputation bracket. An associate at McKinsey would command much more respect that an associate at SAM/CAM. You think you are helping firms with their business, but it is very insignificant when compared to the capital formation done by engineers/MBAs/finance/consultants - because ultimately you will remain a SERVICE. And hence, to earn the same or even comparable money as other professions, you need to put in time - because your skills as a lawyer are perhaps drafting, due diligence, etc, mainly reading everything and pointing out mistakes. That is important, yes, but you are nothing more than a readable software machine. Naturally, depression is bound to follow when you figure out that the rosy picture painted in your law school of moots, and corp PPOs and life and big deals was bullshit, because, as a lawyer - you will NEVER call the shots. You will remain a server, and have to be a very good server to get on in your career.

Aim to be the big client, not the big lawyer. Aim to get to the other side of the phone.
The problem is that legal professionals are being given over importance here on LI. Actually, it is not that much important function of an organisation. Anybody, even a non law degree holder, can perform work of a lawyer. Just visit any of district courts.

So, ultimately, market allocates due weightage to everyone.
Every profession is prone to depression. It's called a mental illness for a reason. Depression does not accurately represent your surroundings. Don't try to bad mouth the legal profession [...]
Dude. Get over the main character syndrome. The profession is not the most depressed, they don’t live and die by trauma. You seem depressed and very self pitying- go see a shrink and stop posting bullshit online. Did you stop for a second to think about what doctors go through? They go to work everyday to save lives knowing it’s a losing battle. They have to inform the family of dying/ dead people that their loved one is dying/dead. You know what that does to someone? My cousin is a cancer specialist and she meets babies everyday who through no fault of their own just have cancer and will die. You think doctors just do mbbs? They study for years and years after that specialising so they can become cancer specialists and neuro surgeons. And for a good ten years after mbbs- they’re still getting paid pennies.

This woe is me stuff on this website is a real downer/ you kids need to get some perspective in life.
Unpopular opinion: Lawyers are more prone to depression than anyother professional like doctors, MBA, engineers etc (especially first generation). Why are people so apprehensive about talking about this. Lawyers are depressed not because it's a demanding profession, but because this industry is toxic. We are wayy undepaid and over worked. Even after having ao much knowledge and skills we are not paid in accordance with the work we do. Doctors spend 5 years in med school and have to study so much but atleast they are paid decently. I dont mind working hard, i want to work hard but the result and fruits are not proportionate to my hardwork. I wish i had done MBA or some other course. Law only sounds glamorous on the face of it, it is the most toxic profession.

The least we can do is to not make orhers life difficult. It's a humble request to the seniors, Partners, PA's there that please dont make our already miserable life more miserable