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If you are burnt out 3 months into the profession, you are unfit to do any professional job. Your body and mind are clearly weak. First upgrade that and then think of working.
Worst is being burn out barely 2 months in a new job and getting criticised by family for not absorbing pressure.
Bhai T1, T2, T3, T4….Tn…everywhere same story. We need to change the whole organisational and human resource management approach in law firms. Some endure it(can’t quit due to various factors at play), some leave the firm…but everyone goes through it.
It is real. After three months of a law firm job, i feel like quitting law altogether. It's the worst. Lawyers talk about saving others from abuse and wrongdoings but it is practice it so blatantly in law firms. Such an irony. Please do something else.
# Burn out is real

# People are dont earning much. That is also real
Does every law graduate wants to do some alternate work and quit law for good! Is the burnout for real or is it just me?