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Very unsure if this is an actual query or a troll, but I'll choose to answer it anyway. Assuming you get into a T1 DU seat for Eco honours also, I'd advise making a decision according to:
1. What interests you as an area of study (most people I know don't have any real passion for anything at 17, it's more about what seems vaguely acceptable. The goal is that you should do well enough in college to have a good job/postgrad opportunities after it)
2. What you can conceivably see yourself doing for the next thirty years (explore different professional opportunities after each course and see what suits your fancy. Money is just one thing. But the work itself, will it be sustainable?)
3. What your general life goals are and how each course helps in achieving them.

The biggest handicap of law compared to the other two courses you have listed is that it has very low international permeability. Engineering and economics/finance are a lot more transferable and are usually on the list of preferred immigrants. Also, law (arguably) offers the worst WLB of the three. On the flip side, it can offer v lucrative financial rewards. There are people who become partners at T1 law firms by 30. Becoming a partner by 35 is common. That means earning somewhere around 1Cr (or 70L at the very least, that too taxed at a lower rate than an engineer's salary). CSE packages are very lucrative, but few engineers have such a steep progression, unless they start their own company or something.

In a nutshell, this is it. Engineers have better starting CTC. They also have better WLB throughout their lives. In law, your starting salary will be lower (presently about 14LPA, taxed at 10%). And the work hours are a lot more demanding. But the progression can be much, much faster. Economics is a very good subject with good opportunities and is internationally transferable. Most people warn against it because DU has (understandably, imo) a bad image as a centre of aimless airheads. But really can't say about what kind of life or money it offers.

I hope I didn't spend ten minutes answering a troll.