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Oh please. Tiktokera make much more fun content than your normal Instagram people who (a) are mostly identical in content and aesthetics (UC Indians) (b) make mediocre dance videos (c) go to the same restaurants, holiday spots, hotels (d) talk the same shit. But they all look nice.

You're the type who would call a person posh or Elite just because of their accent, never mind that the person might be talking shit.
Boss. The original TED talks to begin with are an epitome of mediocrity. They mostly contain white people with an idea that is presented very well, that just glosses over it on the surface level. The idea itself isn't usually great, just packaged well. Infact one of those very popular talks, the power stance video got debunked. God knows what all crap they pushed.

On non-science talks and even science talks, they usually push a pro status quo idea, and that one great idea will save us all from the impending disaster. Oh please bugger off, id rather watch an Akshay Kumar movie.

And then comes TEDx where you pay TED for licensing the logo for clout and add even more mediocre speakers to a mediocre format which doesn't allow discussion but just a monologue. I guess TEDx is just a mini Monkey Bath. To end I'd say, TED and TEDx talks are mediocre to begin with, you just realise it now because Indians have started speaking on it with more relatable topics. Oh FFS they have HappyGuru speaking on it, need I say more.

It's just public intellectual masturbation for clout.
Im sure if a white person said the same thing an indian speaker said, you would be all praise. What level of self loathing. Tch tch
Don't know what's wrong with Indians. Wth r they spoiling every social media platform?? Things have gone out of hand it seems
You do realise that not so prominent people can still have stories worth telling right?

No issues about the type of people but yes a lot of budding Indian professionals are looking at these platforms as means to increase their professional clout. Even though there is nothing wrong with it, most often than not these guys just pick up random instances put faltu gyaan in it and plate it in front of the audience.
After ruining Facebook, Twitter, Quora, TikTok and LinkedIn? Lots of weirdos giving mediocre and cringey talks. And now every random law school is now organising a TEDx event. Not being snooty here, I don't care if NLU Patna or NLU Sonepat do such one event, but please invite good speakers.