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Working Hours can't be changed.

Germany & France has the lowest working hours and strictest labour laws on Planet Earth - 35 hours a week with paid holidays, 13th month salary etc.

Guess what are the exceptions - Law Firms, Investment Banks & Management Consultancies.

Across the entire world - US, China & India to the most worker friendly places law firms are inherently hectic.

It doesn't make sense to just call out Indian Law firm owners.

As a developing country - Indian Law Firms already offer good pay and working conditions.
There are a few obvious flaws in the system that need fixing. While the standard argument from the top seems to be that the economics of law firms demands this kind of gruelling culture, there are a couple of ways to fix this without necessarily compromising on profitability - with some tweaks to the business model of how law firms operate.

Working on something that youโ€™ll hear about soon. Happy to chat privately in case youโ€™re interested (if thereโ€™s some way to do that).
Hoping to get some serious insights from the community here.

Comments and threads on LI rightfully indicate that the law firm life is shot to hell. Having survived multiple brutal deals (and died a little bit each time) over the past 4 years, I competely agree. A select few seem to thrive while the majority of us just manage to hang on.

What does this community feel is the biggest need of the hour to improve the way we lawyers do things? Is there a better way to manage clients and deals? Is there a better way to plug the rampant attrition?

Imagine yourself as Anil Kapoor in Nayak. One day in the MP's chair. What would you do?