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Harish Salve has also found his way in Pandora Papers. One of the threesome to find himself in all three - Panama, Desai and Pandora Papers.

Link to original article above.

Haigreve had stated that he, his father and respective spouses used to have these Swiss accounts as diversification of their investments !!!
Hiroo Advani has been named in Pandora Leaks. This morning's Indian Express.
No. They do not. They earn retainer fees for abetting crime. Since money is transferred into their bank accounts, there is no need for hiding it. No fear of too much flaunting. In law firms, I do not see any scope for hiding money in offshore accounts really..
(...) Managing Partner (...) and (...) (...) have (...) offshore account per authoritative government sources. Request LI to not censor this comment as this information was also published in national media a while ago.
Harish Salve has been named in Panama Papers and Desai Files. P. Chidambaram is also a lawyer and several of his off shore accounts have been made public.
The papers aren't only disclosing undisclosed accounts. They are revealing all accounts. Even if someone is named, there is no reason to think that person is dishonest.
No one named in Panama, Paradise and Pandora leaks so far, right? How come? Are Indian law firm owners that honest?