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See Jose with Iker, Sergio et al at the place which gave you OP the term (s)he so likes to throw around.
How did RGNUL even come into this picture, that is like a Tier III college at best. They were "high" throughout their college, what would they teach
NLS alum here. This is really getting boring. Nobody cares about these pissing contests, and they're not very interesting anyway.

Stop. Stop Now.
Again, why is NLU = better faculty? I'm from NLS and have numerous friends in nalsar and can confidently say that 90% of our batch becoming professors would be the worst possible result for any of their students. I've had great TLC professors, you all should really get over this NLU bias and actually look at how good the professor is, irrespective of background
As a Law Schoolite I can assure you all is not well. Galactico faculty is well and good, but if the manager is a tyrant, he will lose the locker room.
Without question the best faculty, because of Sudhir's hiring strategy. Other NLUs, instead of attacking OP out of jealousy, please ask your VC to hire your OWN alumni, forget NLSIU alumni. The quality of most TLC faculty in NLUs is appalling. Baxi, MP Singh, Amit Dhanda, Chimni, VS Mani etc are exceptions and they are anyway retired (or dead, in the case of Mani).

Questions need to be asked about why NALSAR/NLUD/NUJS/NLUJ/GNLU/NLIU/RNGUL etc have only a minority of their own alumni as faculty and why they flock to Jindal. It cannot just be salary. Wouldn't a person with a family home in Delhi, Kolkata or Hyderabad prefer to teach in the NLUs in those cities, instead of a village in Haryana?
With the recruitment of Arun T, Sudhir and NLS complete the formation of a Galactico squad. Stellar professors who are nearing the peak of their careers, excellent students, superb placements, wide reaches in foreign jurisdictions vide academia and corp, is there anything NLS lacks in? It is clearly the best law University in the country ATM