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That's counting a best case scenario on a capped variable which is never gonna happen
No attrition in the last 1 year? I guess you're not counting all the associates who have quit this year within months of being hired. Face facts please and pay people better to compensate for poor work culture.
Then why would they come to our college and quote 17-18 lpa while having open day lecture?
No PPOs? Can you please elaborate. Seems to be a small firm so Iā€™m thinking its a good bet to intern there if they are expanding
Have an internship with Quillon in upcoming break. Are they giving job offers or whats the scene? They came to our college and quoted 17lpa package.
This is not correct. They're poor paymasters and they have had massive attrition over the last 2-3 years.
I guess they'd be almost at par with Touchstone i.e. approx 13.5lakh + 2.5lakh. Peas of the same pod afterall!