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Some people do it here like they are pleasuring themselves and getting a similar kick out of it.
ya it actually seems bizarre given the top 500 ranks was among and between it just a matter of pure luck and depended how good or pathetic the center was
Dude, you are now losing track of which place you are trying to troll by taking on a fake persona. Make up your mind, since your handle says one and your comment another. It's difficult to get even competent trolls these days, sheesh!
3 continuous assesment tests, Midterms, Projects, End terms and courtroom exercises for all subjects.
Wait what - NLUJ is having 5/4 tests every other week? Or is it 1 test per alternate week?
GNLU is pretty chill in terms of academics. But here, we are taught a lot of philosophy in our 1st sen.
Maybe the students of NUJS actually learn how to learn/work smart, instead of brute force labour. Clearly the graduate outcome has not declined over the years.
Be grateful you are in NALSAR and not NLUJ, we have exams every other week and there is no choice but to study every day.
which batch are you in lol and what's your gpa? there are definitely people like this at nujs, but there are people who work hard too
A 39-word comment posted 2 years ago was not published.
If the standards are so bad, then NUJS does not even deserve a top 50 NIRF rank.
You should have come to NUJS. Nobody here cares about whether any studying is getting done or not. If we study for an hour in a day outside classes, we feel nerdy for the rest of the week.