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As long as R is tolerant towards other divergent view points, and letting people put their rational posts, I am fine with it.
Should've been marked as facts contested. I get that you're not the biggest of R, that doesn't mean you've the authority to defame him without an iota of evidence.
I'm impressed that atleast the moderation is open to criticism not to mention the lame one's like this, props!
Stop commenting or making a post for yourself R.
We know it's anonymous platform and you can create 10 others self licking post to balance out you noobness.

But the dislikes on your comment shows the stupidity on your face.
Yeah, he/she seems fun. Idk why people are going so hard on him/her. You're funny R! XD
He/She is new and might have made a mistake while moderating that doesnt mean he/she should be fired.