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A 69-word comment posted 4 months ago was not published.

I am a fresh law graduate, neither from a tier 1 college nor practicing in any tier 1 firm. But I saw you posted this query 2 years back. How is it going with you today? Is it any better ?
Hello! How to apply under you/someone you recommend? First gen law graduate, just joined a startup/corp because survival expenses, my work is fine so far but i wanna go to courts
You are throwing away the most important learning and foundation years to be a well paid clerk.After some time it will be too late because you will be stuck here without too many choices.
Here comes the stand up with the same joke line "100s are waiting to replace you".
You also need to check a bit of reality from a neurological standpoint. In 2021 there's no reason to be this ignorant.
An amazing, healthy conversation with such good answers. Then there is always this one guy who ruins everything with the snarky little "reality checks". Come on man, go take out your negativity on your family, not here.
Being salty towards someone who is genuinely confused about their life progression while acknowledging their privilege is not giving them a reality check.
In the same boat as you - tier 1 graduate at a tier 1 firm. Thinking of working and saving up for a couple of years more and then move abroad. Will quit law entirely and go to a field with less pressure - I'm fine with less money. Just want peace.