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I have been closely following Gravitas for some months now. Palki Sharma Upadhyay does a stellar job with reporting current affairs - with her crisp observations. Even Hem K Saroya is an excellent news presenter. Living in lockdown, I haven’t had the opportunity of discussing this YouTube channel with friends/ peers. Wanted to learn from the fraternity on how WION is perceived - as a source for news. Please could someone throw some light on their politics? I am inclined to think of them as reasonably neutral. Thoughts?
Thank you for this most valuable information.

How is it relevant? The question is about the channel and not the anchor and definitely not about who the anchor is married to.
Relevant because Sanket is hugely biased in favour of the Congress, while NDTV is the unofficial mouthpiece of the Congress. Also NDTV is mainstreaming the Taliban and overlooking Chinese human rights violations, In contrast, Palki is neutral and has the courage to take on China, Pakistan and the Taliban. The husband should learn from the wife.
Is the Modi government's move to open official channels with the Taliban an attempt to mainstream them? Oh no wait they must be doing what pApPu is asking them to do, right?
If NDTV is 'mainstreaming' the Taliban, then isn't it acting as the BJP mouthpiece on this occasion? Since the party in power clearly wants to initiate dialogues with the Taliban too.
WION is G*di Media, They are owned by Zee.

And majority of their foreign affairs news is very biased and has the typical pro-India and anti-China vibe.

Tbh, I always wanted to see a somewhat good Indian origin global news network with top class reporting and good journalism. Looks like the upcoming DD Global is our best bet :(
Wion is neutral, hands down one of the most reliable and trusted source for world news. Also, PKU addresses issues with an 'India first' approach so I understand why you'd mistake them for Godi Media. But at least she doesn't lap up to BJP/Modi like Arnab and criticizes the hell out of NDA when its due.

DW is still good but they cover EU and not SE, Al Jazeera and BBC are known for their bias. The latter is in news for this exact reason lol so take your pick.
An "India First" approach is perfectly alright but that makes the show an opinion show, as opposed to a news show where facts are reported.
lol..if you think news channels reports facts. Watch the japanese film, 'Rashomon' and you will be bewildered that while 'facts' are neutral, their 'narration' is often difficult to be truly objective, no matter how hard you try. Often narration is a function of power relations perceived by the narrator. Going by this, you won't come across any news channel that will be able to 'narrate' facts objectively. So It'd be utopian to expect Indian news channels to do the same.
You don't need to watch Rashomon to arrive at a conclusion about "news" shows, you can draw them from watching the said shows themselves.

Not disagreeing with what you're saying but just pointing out that the "neutrality" of the "news" show claimed doesn't exist. It can be an opinion show more palatable to the commenter maybe, sure.
OP must be a commie troll upset at WION's coverage of China's human rights violations.
How daft does one have to be to read just the thread headline and not the OPs comments below saying they find them to be reasonably neutral. Badhiya hai, bhaiya
I have an opinion about PKU/WION that they're considerably neutral.. But Again , I still do have a thought that their research about their reportage may be a bit impartial but as @Winon in Comment 4 pointed out , They kinda' follow the "India First" Approach.. About it , my opinion would be that this approach is sometimes good and sometimes bad.. But overall , I agree with the conversation starter though I'd want to say that I think they're just a bit, a "bit" right-leaning!
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