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A 50-word comment posted 1 month ago was not published.
Somebody in the past one day has been posting replies in this thread. Curious curious.
And who’s supplying you with this false information ? Are you the MD or a partner? Or just another underperforming asset?
You need to reconsider your option my friend. Pay cuts during covid has happened all across the world even big organizations like Netflix and everyone had to do it to cover costs.
If you are a quality laywer you will get paid more than a tier 1 job unfortunately you were an underperforming asset hence the pay cut
They make a lot of money cause of the 25 years of trust and quality they produce with HNI clients. Think you should join if you want a career upgrade. At large firms like CAM and IC you won’t be getting any exposure. You would be a clerk!
If you’re an intern focus on your work not on leadership and management of a firm which is out of your pay grade!
Unless they are promising better work - life balance or Work on your terms option. It's not worth to move.
The place is literally a "one man show"!! The policy and rules are just followed on papers. Work means KM there. The environment can be very hostile.
Interesting fact: There are no partner'"s" in Begur & Partners. So technically, it's not a partnership firm even.
The place used to be good because of the people and partners but now its an empty place with no one and they are rebuilding the team. So cant really say about the team but pay is decent and there can be unexpected pay cuts
You left your Tier 1 job to go to Begur?

Why pay cut? Ideally it should be hike.
Why are you telling me that? I have interned there and personally know people who have been fired randomly. Though they did manage to get better jobs later.
Pls check with their alumni and I bet you will not find even a single person talking good about the place, particularly the Managing Partner. Being a sufferer myself, would strongly suggest to avoid this place at any cost.
They used to pay 50k few years back. Work atmosphere is horrible. You won't stock for more than a month or 2. Also anyone can be fired randomly for any reason
I study at a tier 2 NLU and they had recently contacted our Uni regarding placements.
I can't say with certainty on what the pay is, but should be pretty good. I saw a quote of theirs for an assignment, and it was astronomical. So they look like they're making money.
I've my interview this week for an A0 position. Someone please answer regarding the pay and the work culture
A 13-word comment posted 2 years ago was not published.