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Career suicide! They take themselves way too seriously and think they are smarter than others, but no-one there to tell them they aren't! They are a serious bunch of people to their work, cannot take it away from them, but they lack all-around experience and abilities. They somehow manage on complicated issues -they write neat. But not everything can be done by Googling and research, real experience matters.
One of the best work environment - food on the house. Great people. Heard it’s a lot of fun in Mumbai
The Bombay office work environment makes you feel like you're in a really bad seminar course in college that you cant get out of. The partner and SA really need to chill. I'm sure there are worst bosses but these guys are also getting there.
Hey - am guessing you're from NLUJ / NUJS / NLS / NALSAR. Touchstone is practically Tier-I for the kinds of matters they handle and the salary they pay. It might not be as huge as other Tier-Is but their quality matches up, in my opinion. Go ahead with Touchstone.
How is the work culture and atmosphere at Touchstone Partners? They provide a decent salary package even though they aren't exactly tier-1. Also, how good is their antitrust practice? Is it a good alternative to the other t1 teams and smaller firms like Chandihok and Gaggar?
Can someone who has worked/interned with the firm provide some info?
