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Want to ask if anyone else has experienced this - I’m an A3-SA2 (being vague deliberately to protect myself) and part of SCAM. We have regular team updates with all hands on deck in which my EP pressurises everyone to bring in business. Is this normal? Isint the EP an EP simply because his role is to get business, rather than getting after us for it?

I’m totally confused and a lot of people in my team are demoralised by this seemingly unrealistic expectation. Is this unrealistic? How does one even get clients at such a junior level? We don’t even get any client touchpoint and all emails/client conferences/senior briefing go through the EP.

Please help as it is severely hurting my mental peace.
While I was at that level, SAs were not asked for generating business. If they got, it was a big deal. Anyways, you show your intention to generate work, like send client alerts on new developments, keep in touch with clients/ bankers, etc. Build relationships- your colleagues, ex colleagues, bankers, clients whosoever you interact with on ongoing matters, that's the advice I wish I was given. It's basic but hardly anyone in Tier 1 does it. Be genuine and be helpful, you will have a recall value one day. good luck.
Thank you for the insight.
I have been facing the same issue at SA level.