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Email half your team on Day 1, spread throughout the day. Depending on the amount of work you get, email the other half on Day 2. Repeat.

Do not follow up more than this. Your job is just to be top of mind when an intern’s help is required.

After that, your work will determine whether you get an assignment again.
Take a deep breath and relax. Taking this much stress as an intern is unwarranted. Remember that you are more likely to make mistakes when you are stressed. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to think that you are "doomed".

If you are not getting any work on your first day, it possibly means that they are letting you settle in. As for asking for more work, text your senior(s) and let them know if you are free. Showing initiative is a great thing. However, do not spam as well.

While, I can completely understand that you are anxious. keep in mind that this stress is nothing compared to when you are actually in the profession. Take this as a learning opportunity and actively recognize and manage stress and anxiety.
My online internship starts today. Previously I have done few other online internships as well. But this one is making me more anxious than ever because it is a comparatively bigger place.

I have zero clue as to how I should ask for more work. I am scared that if I'll ask for more work, and if everyone gives it to me at the same time, I won't be able to manage it.

I have been a good intern previously. But currently I'm scared that I will ask for work and then I will mess it up. I can't even discuss anything with co interns if at all I get stuck somewhere.

I'm thinking twice or thrice before sending out any mail or message.

I am also in this constant fear that I will miss some call or mail and then I'll be doomed.

I used to think earlier that I'm the only one going through all of this, but today I'm also seeing my other friends at different firms who are equally terrified.

Can some senior please explain what do you expect from an intern in an online setting. Should we ask for work frequently or does that irritate you more.