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Day Zero is the 1st day of placements. The top recruiters prefer the Day zero slot as they have the maximum options to recruiter from. Day 1 is the next Day.

Some MBA college have also started things like Day minus one and all. Not sure about the law colleges.
The day you gave your maths exam and the day you gave your logic exam, respectively.
Well said. I hope all the universities end up having good placements for their students notwithstanding the pandemic.
Why does everything have to be a contest lol? As someone from NLS, I can say without any hesitation that NUJS is a great university and placements at NLS/NALSAR/NUJS/NLUD are more or less similar. These attempts to one up/down top universities is something that externals love to do. Most students/alumni of these universities know that they're all great and comparing them is pretty pointless. Let's just be happy that firms are recruiting more in Covid times and that both NLS and NUJS have had great Day 0s instead of comparing maybe?
Proportionally, it is actually better than NLSIU's results, like it has been for the past several years.