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I don’t want to discourage you but until you have a father here who is a senior or a partner, law will be very hard and unrewarding. Go to NYU but instead of a jd work for a few years in something like consulting and then see if you still want to do law. (This is very common in the us) places like Harvard and Yale law school(the best there) even encourage this and have a special deferred program. Law in India can be fun and may look glamorous but this is true only for those with a family of seniors, judges or partners in the corporate field. Even if you come from a wealthy family, it still wouldn’t be easy. The profession reeks of nepotism. My father is a first gen who became a senior, he decided to stay in India instead of doing an mba in the us. He makes good money now but still regrets it. He feels he has lost half of his life doing this. He may have a fancy car and a fancy house but he feels like he could’ve done something more rewarding. Sorry for rambling.