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hi, i want tips to secure a job in this current market, how can i proceed, any tips. if the hiring for 2023 batch is closed what does that even mean, will i get job no where?, i want a decent pay at least to cover rent in this expensive city. My interest is dispute resolution with a focus on arbitration. If there is fresher opening please let me know, i have 3-4 tier 1 internships on my cv, but those are in corporate law, i am now more inclined towards litigation. Please give any tips.
Don't worry. If you are sure you want to go for law firms, just be well read and aware of the basics. Frankly, when taking interviews, I never cared about internships. Even if you don't land up a tier 1job, just go for any of the new or boutique firms. Get the experience and switch. Not getting through to Tier 1 is not the end of life. Been in law firms for more than a decade, I advise kids to explore judiciary or civil services, if they are keen. Good luck.

- You were not able to secure ANY internship (this is not ideal)
- You worked on writing, learning and extra-curricular activities that strengthened your interest area and helped you network (if you can take five days of concentration and build a project for the community - this would have positive impact)
- You pick up a single internship in corp now. Do it. Lot of remote out there.
- You speak to 10 seniors who have cracked day zero, implement the advice. Cold text and request for guidance. Only college seniors.
- behave like a learner, not selfish, listen when seniors speak. Ask specific questions and clarifications. Ask for their resources to learn.
- You become technical god - learn.

Listen, one is never to old and never too early. Pace out your life, if you are stress free and healthy, it is going to be a long life.

Also, you cannot say you don't know 'how' your peers got internship, that's no excuse. Just complement them for hustling and being driven to put themselves out and getting the internships. Because there are a lot of them. If you are from a top university, huge number of them.
Don't let the anxiety rule you.

Take it one interview at a time.

Interviewers can smell fear like sharks can smell blood. You have done what you can. Now it is time to do your best in the interview and show yourself in the best light possible.
At least you are getting opportunity placement and day zero in your college. Relax you will get good placement
Chill. Just prove yourself in the interviews. As someone who has been through all this, frankly recruiters don't care so much for past internships. On my Day Zero, I was not asked a single question about my internships (despite having 2 corp stints). I ended up with multiple offers.
don’t worry, it’ll all be fine. good things will happen. keep the faith - anxiety is really eating a lot of us up. i’m also from the Batch of 2023.
I will be graduating in 2023. My 0 day is to start this year. Till date I don’t have a single corporate internship. Before the pandemic I was too young to intern at a good place and now i am too old. My peers are interning at all the top places idk how. I don’t even have excellent grades to sort me out during placements. I am an average kid concerned about getting a job. Please help me out. What should i do, I am getting anxious each and every day.