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Students from Non NLUs like GLC, ILS, DU CLC and private colleges like SLS are up there for contention and firms do hire them.
Interned in October 2018, distinctly remember getting 20k stipend.
It very well exists. Now they don’t pay any stipend other than those to the top 3-4 law schools.
Majmudar pays students from NALSAR and NLUJ 16 lakhs around 1 lakh per month + bonus. Other NLUs, Jindal etc 40-50k. You will be fired before getting bonus. And glc and local colleges 15-25k + fired before bonus for atrocious reasons. You can even get fired on day 1 as 1 poor associate has seen. She had left another offer to join this place
The stipend thing is so wrong. No one from a top NLU is paid 20K. 🀣
Plus the differentiation was earlier, they have stopped this practice.
I think other tier 1s as well. Most will never hire from, or even offer internships to non- nlus. especially certain firms in their mumbai offices had associates who were from particular institutions, responsible for internships applications who'd never give any opportunity to someone not coming from a certain band of colleges. I know people with 3-5 years exp under their belt in a smaller set up/coming from a chamber practice joining as A0/A1s, or sometimes even with obscure and general designations like lawyer, consultant, advocate, not your usual SA/PA/MA. Then you have pay differences between different practice groups in law firms. Some tier 2 -3 set ups even offer 2 year long training contracts. LnL is not the only one.
Even GNLU grads are put in the same bracket as NLS, NALSAR, NUJS and NLUJ. They get 16 lacs salary and 20k stipend.
Its not 20k, its 10k, atleast from personal experience. Have heard of friends from lower NLUs being paid no stipend though
Among the top firms, only L&L has this stupid practice. They pay top NLS, NALSAR, NUJS, NLUD and NLUJ at 16 lacs pay band. Other colleges they pay around 12 lacs. They even differentiate at stipends for interns. The above mentioned colleges get about 1k per working day (20k per month). Other NLUs get 600 per month. Private colleges don't get a stipend.

The differentiation also exists between their corporate practice (9th floor) and disputes practice (1st floor). Freshers in disputes earn between 50k-80k per month salary depending on the college.
Do law firms pay differently to different college students? Eg. Do NLS, NALSAR students get paid more from someone from a low rung NLU or a non-NLU?
Also, which firms pay on this differential basis, if any.
