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Since June is Pride month, we are trying to compile and feature some of the initiatives being undertaken by firms regarding the same:

1. CAM - LinkedIn page - Pride coloured DP; One LinkedIn post with quote- “We stand with pride”
Celebrating 3 core principles- inclusivity, diversity and equal rights.

2. SAM - LinkedIn page- Pride coloured DP with caption in DP “celebrating pride in diversity”
Instagram - Dedicated page on celebrating Diversity(seems they will have more upcoming posts)
Shared a Spotify #pride playlist on Instagram
LinkedIn & Insta - video compilation of messages from employees showing solidarity

3. Khaitan & Co. - LinkedIn Dp with a caption- #MatterOfPride

4. Luthra & Luthra - Nothing available publicly on LinkedIn

5. Trilegal - Coloured line in LinkedIn DP

6. JSA - Nothing available publicly on LinkedIn

7. AZB - Nothing available publicly on LinkedIn

8. Indus - LinkedIn DP change with colour pride background
Video of a partner discussing Diversity as part of WILDialogs (seems to be diversity initiative of Indus) but on a different LinkedIn page

Till now, SAM seems to have been the most vocal about Pride month. If we have missed out any other firms’ initiatives regarding Pride month which you believe needs to be highlighted, please let know in the comments.